Welcome @stoeps.de, the blog of Christoph Stoettner

I work at Vegard IT GmbH as a senior consultant with a focus on collaboration software, Kubernetes, security and automation. I mainly deal with HCL Connections, WebSphere Application Server, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform and Linux.

Sometimes my daily work results in technical talks and blog articles, which you can follow here more or less regularly. You can find the presentations in the main menu under public speaking .

I created a list of tools I use regularly, most of which have been released under an open source license.

In my spare time I read a lot, test all kinds of technical software and gadgets and try to follow about 200 RSS feeds.
Here you can find a collection of them.

This is my private blog, all opinions are my own.

Some of my profiles


Last created or modified articles

I started reviewing old blog post and replace links, or check if the information is still valid. So here are the last updated articles.

Christoph Stoettner
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I created a git repository with some smaller CSS files to fix some annoyances within HCL Connections.

I started with this to prevent Orient Me to load fonts from external URLs or Elasticsearch Metrics to break the UI on larger screens. These issues are solved after the last updates I got from support, but Blogs and Tailored Experience Wizard can be improved with some simple rules.

Created: Read in about 3 min
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The annual conference of DNUG took place in Constance from 22nd to 23rd of June 2022.

I attended the HCL Connections Roadmap session given by Rene Schimmer and David Strachan. They showed the updates for version 8 and beyond.

Created: Read in about 2 min
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After rebooting the Kubernetes server for HCL Connections Componentpack, I sometimes see that Orient Me is not working and just shows:

{"error":{"statusCode":500,"message":"Internal Server Error"}}
Created: Read in about 1 min
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CVE-2021-44228 was a very serious problem end of 2021, and we are still finding new occurrences, or security teams scan servers and find vulnerable log4j files. Don’t get me wrong most of these occurrences are not vulnerable any more, because the JVM is hardened like in the Elasticsearch 7 containers, or they use of the JVM parameter -Dlog4j2.formatMsgNoLookups=true.

Created: Read in about 3 min
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The last days I attended Engage 2022 in the Bruges Meeting & Convention Centre (BMCC) . The first in person event for HCL Software for two years. Engage 2020 was the last event before the big lockdowns. Meeting so many friends again after so long time felt really awesome, and I enjoyed these days very much. We had good conversations and some Belgium beer to celebrate the reunion. This was my 6th or 7th Engage and as always the organizers around Theo and his wife Hilde did a great job, arriving at the venue felt like coming home. During the keynote with Richard Jefts and Jason Gary we got the new naming conventions for new releases, so Domino will get river names (next version Danube) and Connections will get named after trees (Cedar).
Last Update:
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Today I got the question of how to disable the highlights app in Connections 7. When you follow the documentation for Connections 6.0CR6 you get an error message (and the document is not available in Connections 7).

I commented out the widget definition in widgets-config.xml like described in the documentation for the former release.

Created: Read in about 2 min