Welcome @stoeps.de, the blog of Christoph Stoettner

I work at Vegard IT GmbH as a senior consultant with a focus on collaboration software, Kubernetes, security and automation. I mainly deal with HCL Connections, WebSphere Application Server, Kubernetes, Ansible, Terraform and Linux.

Sometimes my daily work results in technical talks and blog articles, which you can follow here more or less regularly. You can find the presentations in the main menu under public speaking .

I created a list of tools I use regularly, most of which have been released under an open source license.

In my spare time I read a lot, test all kinds of technical software and gadgets and try to follow about 200 RSS feeds.
Here you can find a collection of them.

This is my private blog, all opinions are my own.

Some of my profiles


Last created or modified articles

I started reviewing old blog post and replace links, or check if the information is still valid. So here are the last updated articles.

Christoph Stoettner
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

Today I activated Elasticsearch Metrics and Typeahead Search on my demo HCL Connections cluster .

To my surprise the indices weren’t created and I got errors on the wsadmin.sh commands.


I checked the Elasticsearch pods which showed a running state, but the logs showed following messages:

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Read in about 3 min
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It is Linkdump time again. I fixed some things during the week, so my https://github.com/Shaarli/Shaarli[Shaarli instance] can use the API now. I do a lot of research and reading on mobile devices (tablet and phone). Now I can share important articles through https://stakali.toneiv.eu/[Stakali] , add short notes and do followups on my other devices (tablet, computer). To automate the linkdump posts, I created a short https://gitlab.com/stoeps/shaarli2hugo[Python script to collect my saved bookmarks] (marked with the tag linkdump) and create an asccidoc document for my hugo instance. So I can do a quick review and post it.

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Read in about 2 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

I use Shaarli since ages to collect links, notes and bookmarks. I worked a little bit on that collection and started to share some as public lists .

On my mobile device I bought a license for Stakali , it fits perfectly into my workflows. I often search on my mobile and share the link through Stakali to my desktop. Stakali just needs the URL and the API Key of Shaarli, but I got errors. So I analyzed the source and app with:

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Read in about 3 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

HCL included some additional apps with HCL Connections 6.5CR1. One of them is Touchpoint, which can be used to present users the “Terms and Conditions” (or Privacy and Guidelines) of the environment and some help creating their profile, network and become member of their first communities.

Touchpoint writes some profile extension entries in the PEOPLEDB database in the table PROFILE_EXTENSIONS, most important:

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Read in about 3 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

Time is running very fast and I completely forgot to update the blog for a long time.

What happened since DNUG Day 2020 ?

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Read in about 2 min
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook

I write most of my documentation with Asciidoctor , so saving some keystrokes is important.

You can add window=_blank to links in your Asciidoctor source.

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Read in about 1 min