
Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Today i spoke at Social Connections V User Group Meeting in Zurich. What should i say. It was a pleasure and i enjoyed it very much. Hope we can discuss more scripts the next weeks. Session Slides Here you can watch the session slides: Saving my time using scripts #soccnx #soccnxv Scripts Download You can download all scripts without warranty and on your own risk on: Please download the master branch, develop and bugfix can contain not ready scripts. Slidedownload soccnx More Slides on Update 2022: Slideshare is requesting a paid scibd account now (30 day evaluation possible). I have removed all my slides from Slideshare, you can find them under [https://stoeps.
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
After skripting jdbc and j2ee on WebSphere i was interested to fasten the DB2 configuration after a Connections installation. There are two ways to get valid source xml-Files for automatic maintenance in DB2. I use automatic maintenance, because i can set a maximum backup time and how many dumps of one database should be stored. DB2 deletes old backups (which i have in a filebackup each night) automatically. You can’t script this settings directly, IBM provides two system calls for this: sysproc.automaint_set_policyfile and sysproc.automaint_set_policy. I use the file variant here, because i think it easier to handle files than blob content.
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Setting the performance tuning parameters for all datasources in WebSphere Application Server (for IBM Connections 4 ) is a really annoying job with lots of mouse clicks. I searched a way to make these through wsadmin with a jython script and after some testing i wrote one, which set all parameters for the Connections DataSources as described in IBM Connections 4 Performance Tuning Guide . I set StatementCacheSize, minConnections and maxConnections with this script. Download: changeDataSourceParameters Using this script Copy this script to your server and copy & paste it to a wsadmin-Session, or start wsadmin with wsadmin.(sh|bat) -lang jython -username youruser -password password -f path/changeDataSourceParameter.
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Aaron Burden: Fountain pen and a notebook
Klaus Bild provided two scripts for setting Connections Admins through jython and wsadmin. I want to add one detail, when you want to add multiple Admins, then you can use pipe | as delimiter. First line would be connwasadmin='wasadmin|conadmin' Thanks Klaus, i like to set the admins through a script, because fixpack installations often set the j2ee roles to default.
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